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Our ‘how to’ resources are designed to help you implement Constructive Resettlement in your day-to-day work.

Resources for professionals

A group of young people smiling and giving high-fives outdoors. The image is part of a cover page for a document titled 'Constructive Resettlement: Enabling a child's identity-shift.'

A guide to Constructive Resettlement

Learn what the resettlement research tells us and how Constructive Resettlement can help you achieve sustained, positive outcomes.

A document titled 'Constructive Resettlement: Exploring Their Own Identity' features the first activity. The text describes exercises to help children explore and develop their identity. The image shows a young person in a high-visibility vest painting a mural outdoors, with others working in the background.

Identity lens toolkit

Use this toolkit of six activities and a checklist to help explore and develop a child’s pro social identity. You can follow these exercises either in sequence or individually.

Citation: Hazel N., Drummond C., Welsh M. and Joseph K. (2019) Using an identity lens: Constructive working with children in the criminal justice system London: Nacro

A promotional image for 'Youth Justice Talks' Episode 01, featuring guest Michael O'Connor. The background is split into black and yellow sections with the title and episode number prominently displayed.

Youth Justice Talks

Episode 1: Operational Constructive Resettlement with Michael O’Connor Head of Family and Youth Services Transformation at Swindon Borough Council and Director of Child First Consultancy.

Resources for young people

A group of young people smiling and giving high-fives outdoors. The image is part of a cover page for a document titled 'Constructive Resettlement: Enabling a child's identity-shift.'

A guide to Constructive Resettlement

Learn what the resettlement research tells us and how Constructive Resettlement can help you achieve sustained, positive outcomes.

A document titled 'Constructive Resettlement: Exploring Their Own Identity' features the first activity. The text describes exercises to help children explore and develop their identity. The image shows a young person in a high-visibility vest painting a mural outdoors, with others working in the background.

Identity lens toolkit

Use this toolkit of six activities and a checklist to help explore and develop a child’s pro social identity. You can follow these exercises either in sequence or individually.

Citation: Hazel N., Drummond C., Welsh M. and Joseph K. (2019) Using an identity lens: Constructive working with children in the criminal justice system London: Nacro

A guide titled 'Moving to Probation' explains the transition to Probation Services. It includes sections on 'What is probation?' and 'How do I prepare for probation?' The document provides information on the process of supervision, support, and monitoring during probation, and outlines steps to prepare for probation, including meeting with a Probation Practitioner.

moving to probation faqs

After you’ve completed your time with the Youth Justice Service, Probation is the next stage of your sentence. This FAQ sheet will help you to understand how to prepare for probation and what support will be offered.

A promotional image for 'Identity Development In Practice' Episode 02, featuring Michael O'Connor with guest Olli. The background is split into black and yellow sections with the title and episode number prominently displayed.

Youth Justice Talks

Episode 1: Operational Constructive Resettlement with Michael O’Connor Head of Family and Youth Services Transformation at Swindon Borough Council and Director of Child First Consultancy.

Interactive Map

This online resource provides young people in the Youth Justice Service with information on the next stage of their journey to probation. Follow the questions on the map to reveal short informative animations.

Ask Animation

Use this resource to support young offenders when moving from youth custody to an adult prison. It will help them to understand what to expect, encourage them to ask questions and reduce worries.


Follow Kojo’s journey from prison to Project Assistant at Leaders Unlocked. This resource has been created to help young offenders make the best of their time in prison and create their own pathway for the future.

Anti-Racist Strategy

This guide is designed to support team leaders, managers and policy writers to develop and implement anti-racist strategies to tackle racial disparities within the Youth Justice System.

Disproportionality in the Youth Justice System

Learn more about the over-representation of children and young people from racialised groups at most stages of the Youth Justice System.


Use this research-based information sheet to learn how various systems in society, such as criminal justice and education, treat people from marginalised ethnic groups differently.


Learn more about the Intersectionality framework of conceptualizing a person, group of people, or social problem as affected by a number of discriminations and disadvantages.

Racial Trauma

Use this resource to understand how experiences with racism, racial discrimination and microaggressions can impact on mental and physical health for individuals from racialised groups.  

Child Discovery Worksheets

Use this toolkit of five activities to help young individuals identify and celebrate their personal background to contribute towards development of a pro-social identity.

Five students gather closely, looking at a book one of them is holding. They are in a well-lit indoor setting. The image includes a diverse group of young adults, showing interest in what they are reading.


Increase your knowledge and get practical tools to put CR into practice.

Three students are sitting at a table outdoors, working on laptops. One student points at the screen while the others watch attentively. They appear to be discussing something on the computer.

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A young person wearing a high-visibility vest and gloves paints a mural on an outdoor wall. Other individuals in similar attire are seen in the background, also engaged in painting. They are in a street setting with houses and clear skies.


Read real stories from practitioners putting CR into practice.

Youth Justice Talks: Episode 01

Youth Justice Talks: Episode 01

Youth Justice Talks: Episode 01

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